Multimedia Artist
Grace earned her undergraduate degree in Digital Media and Design at University of Connecticut and attended Connecticut School of Broadcasting because from an early age, she has always been fascinated by exposing and examining the “weird” and unconventional sides of the world. With this lifelong passion of creating artistic work through various types of art medias, she has developed an interest in these counter-culture scenarios.
Grace creates unusual and sometimes terrifying characters by modeling in 3D programs. Additionally, her knowledge of the 3D world allows her to create unique stories that show off her artistic style. She also enjoys capturing the new generation punk and queer coded scenes with photography or videography. On her free time, Grace loves to explore any kind of traditional art that she also loves to share with the world.
She has always been attracted to music, artworks and people that the mainstream world may view as outcasts or make them uncomfortable. She always embraces her ability to create art, in many different mediums, that highlight this culture and exposes the “weirdness” of the world. Grace feels that exposing the mainstream public to works of art such as this, may lead to greater acceptance and open mindedness for viewers. She hopes to create characters and capture stories about these diverse artistic and counterculture communities that inspire her; which would allow the creation of worlds and stories that society isn’t exposed to in everyday life- a blend of her early fascinations of horror and punk-esque style.